Thursday, April 23, 2009


Let me officially ammend my previous statement to reflect that if I can reach and sustain a 12 minute mile, I'll be happy. 10?! What was I thinking?! I have short legs!

Last night was marginally less taxing than Monday, but I got a side "stitch" in my last 30 seconds.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Finally sore

After my sprints on Monday, I've been sore for the first time since this adventure started.

I was back at W1D1, (8 reps of run 1 min, walk 90 sec). I did that for the first 3 reps then altered it to run 1/2 lap, walk 1 lap for the remaining 5.

I felt a little ridiculous, because I was running all out (almost all out) then huffing and puffing for a lap. I was just waiting for one of the other joggers to come up and politely tell me that if I just slowed down I could go farther. And I kept reminding myself that it didn't matter to anyone out there other than myself what I was doing.

I could barely walk yesterday, and my chest muscles hurt from the extra exertion, and I just knew it was, to quote Fred Sanford, "the big one".

Today I'm just sore. I've had the intention of going back out today, but it's so windy here today...

Talking to Donald the other night, I told him how I was pleased with the fact that I am not currently working toward a goal, because I could do this week 1 routine for four weeks if I need to. And I may need to.

I have the same problem with running as I do singing. I can sing very high, and I can sing low, but for some reason it's those in-between octaves that I really have a hard time singing at consistently. I do great at my slow jogging pace, but when I pick up the pace, I seem to go straight to "run like hell". I have to find the middle ground.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lighthouse 5K

Crossing the finish line (Ignore the senior citizen who finished before me -- there were more)

Although place doesn't really matter to me yet, I finished 117 out of 169, my total time was 41:01 and my average mile pace was 13:13 (although that's a normal pace for me, seeing it in print, it seems unacceptable to me)

Handing off my number so they can place me

First I want to say, congratulations to Erich, my big brother who won this race -- his first 5K win. I'm very happy I was there, and proud of him for beating his personal best to win.


I take a big sigh as I recline in my comfy chair this morning. All the weeks of preparation, one week of sickness, and one week of almost giving up, and it's all over.

It was a beautiful day for jogging. This was my earliest jog logged to date, as all of mine have been evening, with the exception of my 2 mile Easter run which was afternoon. There were not as many people at the starting line as I expected, but it did not look like 169 people to me. Erich wrote a great summary of the pre-race atmosphere at his team's blog at

Here's a brief summary of my race experience.

I lined up very near the back of the pack. Back with the nervous first-timers, the older folks, the girl in tight jeans and makeup who looked like she would have been much more comfortable at a party somewhere, and commented before the race, "I used to run, but I just don't LIKE it" (infer whiney voice).

When the "go" command was given the entire pack in front of me, and a few folks from behind me took off. I was actually surprised by the ratio of people who were running as opposed to walking. I have walked a 5k before, and there was a much bigger group of walkers. I resisted the urge to take off with them, and kept my fast walking pace for the first song on my Zen. At the end of the song, I also took a big sigh, because I knew this is what I had been working for, and was still not confident in my ability to jog the entire way (that light house was waaaaay off).
But I did keep up my jogging pace to maybe 40-50 yards from the lighthouse. There was a tiny hill leading up to the lighthouse that got me (it's the same tiny bump in the road we laughed at on our way in the car). But I had already been coaxing my legs to keep going for at least the past mile, and I just couldn't make it up the hill.

Over the hill and through the sweat, to the finish line I trodded. Until I noticed a race figure walking back toward us. "That's probably Erich, no it couldn't be Erich, his hair is too big, but maybe he's coming to encourage me, if it is him, he's going to see me walking, but I just can't feel my legs right now, so jogging is not an option" And it was Erich, with his camera -- so I began jogging again, refusing to be captured on film walking. He gave me a high five and an encouraging "Keep going!" And I did, for about 20 more seconds when I just gave out (up?) again. I probably could have picked it back up and suffered greatly for the last .4 miles or so. But honestly, I felt like I had done my part, I wasn't very interested in jogging any more that day... until I got to where the folks at the finish line could see me of course.

And I did pick it back up at the finish line and jogged in smiling. It was a great experience. And if I hadn't gotten sick, and had back problems and energy issues that one week, I might have made it the whole way. Although still very, very slowly.


And that brings me to my future goals. I know I have lofty goals about running a marathon ONE day (and probably much more than 5 years from now), I have a lot of work to do.

I told Erich that running/jogging for me is like him trying noodling (google it). I'm underwater, not breathing, flailing around sticking my arms into mud holes searching for a giant fish that wants nothing else than to get away from me -- or bite my arm off, all the while someone is holding my feet to make sure I don't drown. It's dark, muddy, scary, and thrilling all at the same time.
I know as much about running and exercise, as he does about the strange sport of Noodling (which I believe he had only vaguely heard the term before I mentioned it).

But I'm learning, by getting out there, and by reading. I'm an information junkie, and the more I know intellectually, the more I love what I'm doing.

Jill suggested my next training be to start back at the week I got sick, and go on from there. That is good advice. But I'm going to take it one step further. I'm going to start from the beginning. I'm going to start back with running one minute and walking one minute. Only this time I'm going to RUN. Now that I've found the fish's hiding place, and I've got one hand in his mouth, I'm in a better position. I'm not so worried about making my distance goal, I'm not worried about a date, I can run and make it hurt. I've got all the time in the world now, and I'm going to use it. And from what I read, if I make Monday and Wednesday my hard running days, and slow down a bit for a distance run on Friday, next time I'm interested in a 5k, I should be able to jog (or run?) it much easier.

I do not expect to ever compete with anyone but myself, but I think that I should be able to reach and sustain 10 - 10:30 mm. From where I stand, I see that pace being my max with a max distance one long off day being a half marathon (being the epitome of my running career). But that perception may change. I remember not that long ago thinking how impossible running a mile seemed. (And honestly still makes me cringe a little)

It's like Samantha told me weeks ago, "If you can do this, imagine all the other things you can do"and to quote scripture in a completely out of context way, I was "seeing through a glass darkly", but now understand completely what she meant. At first, I thought, running is running, but I am just bubbling inside with the possibilities of all the things I can do now.

And to bring the entire experience full circle, I started with the idea that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I now have to give credit to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the great and awesome Father God. If I do anything for personal gain, it is for naught, but in all things to Glorify Him.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oak Island and Beyond....

It's Thursday, and tomorrow we're loading up our kids, the sunscreen, way too many clothes for 2 days, and my running shoes and heading for Oak Island. Yaupon beach to be exact. That's about as exact as I can be, because I don't have directions yet.

But, as Erich and Jill accurately predicted, I'm starting to get some butterflies. Getting out on a track and jogging on my own is much different from what I'm going to encounter Saturday.

I did get back out on Tuesday, but my muscles were so tense, I didn't make it a mile. I did walk quite a bit more though.

I've been resting ever since with the HOPE that if I start with well rested muscles that have become even stronger since my 2 mile jog, I'll be able to pull it out to do the whole 3.1 miles.

I have become more aware from talking to Jill and reading the Runner's World magazines that it does still count if you walk part of the race. Jill told me this, but I really didn't believe her until I read someone else's account of walking part of a marathon. Two people can't be wrong.

So, wish me luck. Expect pictures when I get back, because there will be plenty! Wish Erich luck too, because I'm rooting for him to win the whole thing. As long as 16 minute boy doesn't show up, Erich may be able to pull it off.

I'm tentatively planned to walk a 5k with a friend from sunday school in the next few weeks, so that's my next goal.

Then I've already peaked Donald's interest in the Air Force 5k in Ohio this September. Of course the main attraction for him was the fully restored "A Christmas Story" house and museum. However, I just looked it up and there's a 4 hour drive between the two. Hmmm... maybe I can find something else of interest in Ohio.

My LONG TERM goal is the Marine Corp marathon in Arlington VA. That would be a great trip filled with historic things to do which Donald would love, and it would be a great excuse. Maybe in about five years.... (And then there's the Princess 1/2 marathon Jill told me about at Disney World.... that may only be a year or two away....)

Okay, okay, I'll try to make it through this one first!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

6 days to 5K

(Scroll down to the BOLD text to skip the boring part, and get to the good news)

I know my ticker changes on every post to the actual amount of time, but I will log it here as being

SIX days until the Oak Island Lighthouse 5K.

I'm getting excited now! It's funny how dread can so quickly turn to anticipation.

If anyone knows me, I mean really knows me, then you know that I over analyze EVERYTHING (down to why the shampoo bottle says what it does, and how long it took to come up with it, and if it's working overall as an advertising scheme, and does clear shampoo really clean your hair better, because it really seems to, and I really don't even understand what this shampoo bottle is saying to me, but those words together must have been carefully selected to sell the maximum amount of shampoo, and are we really that easily to convince to use a product just because it has pretty or technical sounding words on it....) you get the point. Welcome to my world.

So, in my typical over-analytical style, I am trying my hardest to figure out why the last two weeks I felt indescribably HORRIBLE, and this week I feel great.

I may never know, but since you guys have heard me obsess over this very point for, well, almost three weeks, I'm drawing my conclusions (again) and moving on:

1) period -- apparently I'm going to feel like crap for the week during and the week after (I've been on birth control since Jordie was born, so I'm trying to figure out my natural cycle and stuff again). (and NO, I'm not trying to get pregnant, so don't ask).

2) Allergy medication -- I could give you all the details, because there are many -- down to the fact that I think the minuscule amount of aspartame in them may have been the culprit, but I'll spare you -- just know that it might have had an effect.

3) Weather -- maybe the gloomy, windy, rainy yucky finally got to me?

and of course, the whole feeling like a failure thing that I covered last post.

Now, moving on to the good news...

I jogged 2 miles today. I jogged 2 miles today. That bears repeating.

It was fantastic, and after the first mile I felt pretty good. I might even (MIGHT) even make it through the 5K. Still planning on including the 5 minute warm up (which equates to about 1/3 mile).

I'm getting excited too because Erich and Jill are gearing up for the race, and E is running to win [like I'm sure he always does - psycho (but we love him)].

Six days and only one workout left before we leave!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Disallusionment and a Kick in the pants...

I was defeated - I was convinced my back was going to keep me from being a runner - I could taste the Doritos and beer, and had already settled into my sweatpants.

But, luckily I have a fantastic brother and sister-in-law who refused to let me quit. I guess they needed proof that my back really hurt, because they got me out on the track again yesterday.

We walk/jogged 2.25 miles (there you go Jill). Although I think there was more walking than jogging -- Jill did a great job of coercing me to believe it was still an accomplishment. And she also finagled (a nicer word for LIED) me into believing I was doing less than I actually was.

1) I got out there and exercised yesterday, and didn't really break a sweat. I was having a lot more trouble breathing than Jill, and I really wasn't doing much. But it just proves I wasn't really working hard as I could. There were days I came home and couldn't get out a sentance, red in the face and sweating like a hog (lovely).

2) My back hurt minimally, which convinced me that the surface I run on does make a difference.

3) It very well may be the hard work that I'm afraid of. I think I feel very much like Erich did when he found out there was no Santa Claus. To him it was heartbreaking and haunts him to this day. (I didn't really care as long as the presents kept comin', if ya' know what I mean). :o) But since I know NOTHING about running or exercising I was under the impression that once I could run 20 minutes, I could run 20 minutes any day, and it wouldn't hurt a bit. I feel like it's Christmas morning and instead of Santa gifts, I'm getting a lump of coal. Really?! You mean it's going to hurt EVERY TIME? Poor Jill did her best to answer my cries of distress (answering the same question asked a different way 10 different times). And yet, I still walked away with a feeling of loss, but yet a feeling of knowledge. Now that I KNOW it's going to suck -- maybe I can move forward without feeling like a failure.

and finally

4) Even if I don't run 3 miles a day 3 days a week -- If I get out there 3 days a week and do what I can -- it will still be better than plopping my butt down for McDonalds and Monster Quest. Last summer Donald would come home and find us sitting inside on a beautiful day because I was too lazy to get the girls up and outside to play. This year, on every chance we get we're outside playing and gardening. And he knows 3 days a week I'm going to be out the door when he walks in for me to get some exercise. Even if it's just walking, I'm doing something positive for myself and my girls.


(And thank you to Samantha for the support, and to Donald who's promised to not let me quit either)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lifestyle Change

I do have to admit this has become part of my routine and habit. One of the best habits I've ever had. Okay, maybe THE best one.

I have gotten so off course and schedule for April 18 that it was weighing me down. I am remembering to look past the 18th and realize this is a change for life -- not a deadline.

Having said that, yes, today sucked again. I think it may have something to do with the monthly cycle. I had that going on all this week -- I think it may make a difference.

But I got out there again today and tried. I do so much better with directions. I do very well when following the program, but now that I'm off course, I'm flailing and helpless.

Next week I'm going to do week 6 again, and do it properly. I've decided it's better to repeat workouts than give up altogether.

Today I began my normal neighborhood routine -- down the neighborhood behind us, and I got about a minute into the run and was just on the downhill, when I heard barking (normal sound for a runner), but I look up and there is a gi-normous Saint Bernard. HUGE HUGE HUGE dog. No leash or chain in sight. I stopped dead in my tracks, understandably. I began taking slow steps backwards and kept this up until I felt comfortable to turn around and run the other way (although still looking overy my shoulder).

Already feeling like crap, I ran back to the grass on the main road that connects their neighborhood to ours, and began walking. When I got back into our neighborhood I ran a little, walked a little, ran a little. I had one "long" run which I estimate to have been about 11-12 minutes. A little less than a mile probably. It just wasn't in me again.

But I will get myself together to repeat week 6 next week. It may be slow going from here on out, because I have read that many people have to repeat weeks on this program. I may even check out that 4 month couch to 5k and extend my training even futher. The point is to keep at it, and just stay fit.

Honestly, my biggest motivation right now is the fact that I can see fat going away. I look slimmer, my clothes are fitting better, and I feel more fantastic about the way I look.

I may not post every day I run now, but when I have big milestones, or need encouragement.

Thanks guys for supporting me this far, and I hope this is a habit I stick with for life.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crash n Burn

Week 6, Day 2 did not go well.

I was feeling mostly horrible yesterday -- dizzy every time I stood up, general malaise and lethargic.

I think it was the Aleve cold and sinus -- which works WONDERFULLY for a real cold, but puts me on my face if it's JUST sinus. I shouldn't have taken it.

I got about 30 seconds into my run, and I just couldn't do it. I didn't have it in me, and I still felt horrible. I started walking back home, and by left lower back and right ankle cramped up so badly, I almost called Donald to come get me at the top of the road. I was in tears by the time I got home and collapsed on the floor.

After a disappointing jog on Monday, followed by complete and utter failure yesterday, I'm officially discouraged.

I can, however, at least jog one mile now. I have improved. And I still have a few weeks. If nothing else, I can jog 1, walk 1, jog 1.

I may go out again this evening, or just cool it until tomorrow to see if I feel even better.