Friday, April 3, 2009

Lifestyle Change

I do have to admit this has become part of my routine and habit. One of the best habits I've ever had. Okay, maybe THE best one.

I have gotten so off course and schedule for April 18 that it was weighing me down. I am remembering to look past the 18th and realize this is a change for life -- not a deadline.

Having said that, yes, today sucked again. I think it may have something to do with the monthly cycle. I had that going on all this week -- I think it may make a difference.

But I got out there again today and tried. I do so much better with directions. I do very well when following the program, but now that I'm off course, I'm flailing and helpless.

Next week I'm going to do week 6 again, and do it properly. I've decided it's better to repeat workouts than give up altogether.

Today I began my normal neighborhood routine -- down the neighborhood behind us, and I got about a minute into the run and was just on the downhill, when I heard barking (normal sound for a runner), but I look up and there is a gi-normous Saint Bernard. HUGE HUGE HUGE dog. No leash or chain in sight. I stopped dead in my tracks, understandably. I began taking slow steps backwards and kept this up until I felt comfortable to turn around and run the other way (although still looking overy my shoulder).

Already feeling like crap, I ran back to the grass on the main road that connects their neighborhood to ours, and began walking. When I got back into our neighborhood I ran a little, walked a little, ran a little. I had one "long" run which I estimate to have been about 11-12 minutes. A little less than a mile probably. It just wasn't in me again.

But I will get myself together to repeat week 6 next week. It may be slow going from here on out, because I have read that many people have to repeat weeks on this program. I may even check out that 4 month couch to 5k and extend my training even futher. The point is to keep at it, and just stay fit.

Honestly, my biggest motivation right now is the fact that I can see fat going away. I look slimmer, my clothes are fitting better, and I feel more fantastic about the way I look.

I may not post every day I run now, but when I have big milestones, or need encouragement.

Thanks guys for supporting me this far, and I hope this is a habit I stick with for life.


  1. Yay! Back on the horse with baby steps. Don't feel dragged down by the blog, but let us be here for you when you need some support. Go girl!

    Jill and I are heading to Valdese, NC early in the morning for my first triathlon of the year. I am pumped, but a little nervous since I have not been swimming as much as I should. Wish me luck!

  2. I'm a big believer in do-overs. "If at first you do not suceed try, try again" is a big reinforcement of that -- to me anyway. I haven't thought about being on a schedule helping, I bet it does. Resetting the schedule would be so helpful in hard times rather than junking the whole schedule. I'm so proud of you.

  3. Will you run in the rain today? I seem to remember that you run pretty well in bad weather! I am going to ride my bike around town this evening if the rain lets up.

    By the way, what are you guys doing over Easter weekend?
