Friday, February 27, 2009

Fishy socks

I'm working frantically to try to materialize a pattern that's stuck in my head, but won't seem to translate to fabric.

I think the problem is that I'm not an experienced enough knitter to understand the mechanics of lace work, therefore cannot get the pattern to do what I need it to do.

I did have an inspiraton last night, and have made progress toward what I would like to see on the socks.

The reason I'm frantic is because I'm endeavoring to enter said pattern into a contest. And said contest's deadline is March 11. That gives me 12 days to create and perfect the pattern, then knit up two socks in said pattern.

Luckily they're going to be to fit a kid.

I've got one outstanding entry in a crochet contest. That was not an original design contest, however the item I submitted was my own design. I've also got another sock design submitted to and I'm anxiously awaiting my rejection letter.

I need to find some good crochet sites to submit patterns to, since I'm much better at crochet design.

This is kind of like the fair to me. I get almost as excited about entering stuff in the fair as I do when I win a ribbon. It's just the process of having my stuff out there for consideration that I find exciting.

Speaking of the fair, I need to start work on some things for this year! I have nothing so far!

Week 2, Day 3

Week 2, Day 3
Friday, February 27

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 21 minutes

Today's Challenges:

Okay, today it really IS raining and cold. I mean, it is actually raining, not just forcasting rain. Donald insists I will get sick if I go out and sweat in the cold rain. I think that's just an old wives' tale. I guess we'll see who's right in a couple of days. Ain't no rain gonna stop me.

Not getting enough sleep. General dispair from my last miserable running attempt, and last, but most lovely, lady-things such as cramps.

Today's Motivation
Hmmmm..... The only one I can seem to pull out of thin air is just to keep going. And hope, HOPE, today is better than Wednesday.

Other stuff:
I may try to run around the neighborhood today since the track will be muddy, and I don't want to dirty up my pretty shoes. Nor do I want to run in mud. Another option will be to go to another nearby park that has a paved track.

After the Run:

Please excuse me for a moment, I need to write some letters.

Dear Hills:
I hate you.
Dear Asphalt:
I hate you.
Dear Toe Knuckles:
Sorry about the asphalt.
Dear Legs (et al):
What doesn't destroy you will only make you stronger.

Now then. About my run. Two weeks down, seven to go. Six workouts down, twenty-one to go.
That should give me a sense of accomplishment. But, rather, it fills me with a really dark cloud of dread. Because I know this was just the warm up. The slap in the face to bring my body back to the reality of movement.

Looking forward to next week, I see that all three days next week are identical as well. So, I think I have another week of conditioning before the hard stuff begins. Week four looks like the killer.

Next week I'll be up to running approx 1/4 mile at a time. Then week four starts with 1/4 mile as segment one, and 1/2 mile as segment two. WHAT?! You can't just go doubling distance on me. That's insane. But, back to today.

I was once again smiled upon by God, and the rain held off while I was running. Only a slight misting again. It was considerably warmer than it's been, because the wind seemed to hold off for me too.

I did indeed choose the neighborhood as my exercise spot for the evening. Thus my new found hatred of hills. I think that had I been on my regular course tonight, I would have really broken those barriers I talked about on Wednesday. Because as I finished my "brisk warm up walk" and began to jog it FELT like the most natural thing in the world. It was such a feeling that I can almost not describe it in words. ..... And after sitting here staring for a good minute, I have found I cannot describe it in words. It was neat. (poetic, eh?)

It was a fantastic feeling that quickly (QUICKLY) wore off because my legs were already tired from going up and down hills in the warm up.

I do think that incorporating hills is an excellent idea though. It will only make my legs grow stronger and allow me to go farther. It just sucks a lot of eggs while I'm doing it.

And these are tiny hills. So tiny that when you're going up them, the road seem flat. It's only when you turn around that you notice how slanted it really is.

Another big realization this evening. I truly and honestly thought that my biggest challenge to this whole deal would be my heart and lungs. Because of previous exercise attempts that left me red-faced, gasping for air, and a heart that was sure to fail any moment, I just KNEW that my heart and lungs would take forever to come up to par. But throughout all my running tonight, the only time I had to breathe "hard" was going up the last hill. I had to breath a little bit more quickly at times on the other hills, but there was not gasping or near heart attacks. That, too was a really really wonderful experience. I worry so much about both my heart and lungs. As a matter of fact, about 3/4 of the way through, I finished a running segment that was all downhill, and about 5 steps into my walking, I realized I was breathing just about close to normal. NORMAL. That makes me want to stand up and scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH".

Can you believe it?! I can't. I still can't envision 3 miles -- not even close, but I'm telling you, one mile is becoming a very fuzzy shadow on the horizon. I can't make it out just yet, but there's definately something there.

All I have to say is "Hallelujah, Praise Jesus!"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Pics - Hat and Nikes

Introducing my new "gear".

The hat was knit up in a hurry, but I'm already getting ideas for next seasons' hat. I want one with a cuff next year. This is my logo. Like I told Donald -- I'm branded, baby. I'm the real deal. :o) Hee hee.

It really doesn't mean anything other than I am a "K"nitter, and I am transitioning into a "R"unner. Clever, eh? No? And it IS quite warm.

I'm having trouble aligning my pictures.
But these are my new running shoes Donald got me. And in return he got a poem
"This is how I doos, Thanks for my new shoes, You're so sweet, You care about my feet"

My shoes -- "chillaxin" after our run tonight. They deserve it.

You can't see the pink outline, so I have kindly included pointers for you so that you can be fully informed.

Week 2, Day 2

Hello Followers of Mine! :o) Yes, I always wanted to say that.

Week 2, Day 2

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 (AHEM -- Whoever wrote this can't do their math -- it's actually 21) minutes.

Today's Challenges:

Well, I think I've finally overcome the cold (although I don't love it), and the initial worries.

1) Left calf was on the verge of cramping last time, and I woke up with a cramp in it this morning. I guess a lot of stretching is in order before I go tonight.

2) I think I've picked up a bit of the girls' cold. I don't feel sick, but I woke up with a stuffy nose. I've taken Aleve Cold and Sinus and it seems to have helped. But I can't afford to get sick! I've got a limited amount of time here!

Today's Motivation

We have "booked" the beach house at Oak Island for the weekend of the 5k. So, that's very exciting! It gives me a reason to not give up.
(That's a pic of the OI Lighthouse --> Pretty!)

Honestly though, I haven't had thoughts of giving up. Not yet. It hasn't been so miserably horrible that I just didn't want to do it anymore. So, that in itself is encouraging. Of course, I haven't had to run more than 90 seconds at a time so far, which I'm guessing is about an eight of a mile. (Guessing) WOW, I'm doing great!

But, see I'm hoping that the way this plan works is that one day those running segments will just grow closer together and pretty soon I'll be running a mile and not even notice. Have I mentioned that I've NEVER run a mile? And I'm shooting for THREE!

After the Run
Tonight was not fun. When I started out, there were people running around me who take enormous strides. I, myself, feel like I'm doing a potty dance, and shuffling my feet. So, just out of curiousity tried to lengthen my stride for a few steps. My leg muscles went in all out mutiny. So my curiosity was satisfied.
Then I just couldn't seem to remember my pace. Considering I had an Aleve Cold and Sinus 12 hour this morning, and an Ativan around 2pm-ish, I think those things did not affect me positively.
I also did some Wii exercises with my legs last night, and that seemed to be the WRONG thing to do. My legs were so tired tonight! From now on, I'm doing arm exercises only on my nights off.

I just couldn't help thinking tonight that I'll never make 3 miles. But I've got to remember to just focus on one day at a time, and I'll get there.

In fact 3 miles is still incomprehensible for me now, so is one mile. So, I really CAN'T look forward to that goal. I can't even visualize it. All I can do is just hope I can get through the next workout.

But I did it tonight, just barely. I have been eating better, and drinking mostly water. That should pay off too.

I'm just hopeful that Friday is going to break down barriers, and I'm going to see some real improvement from 2 weeks of exercising. I'm going to get myself psyched up for Friday starting now, and by then I'll be ready to bust it OUT!

Oh, and it was a few degrees warmer today, which translated to "Oh my goodness I'm hot!". I had to take off my special hat a few times.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

Week 2, Day 1
Monday, February 23, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Getting out there again after having 2 days off. I didn't do anything active this weekend.
2) Still cold, and getting colder! I've been psyching myself up for cold runs all along due to the FORECAST, and it hasn't been that bad. But today seems pretty cold.

Today's Motivations:
I'm starting a new schedule with this week, so it's exciting to have a new short term goal
Seeing how the extra 30 seconds of running each segment affects my ability to control my breathing

Samantha finds out if she's having a boy or girl today! I can't wait to find out too!
Boo -- cord was in the way, we have to wait another month.

After the Run:
I learned something today. I'm not a good enough runner to listen to music while I run. I have to be able to hear my feet hitting the ground to time my breathing. So, I can't give a great report of how I did. I can say that with what I did, it felt much like doing Week 1, Day 2 over again. It wasn't like starting ALL over, but it was a little more difficult than last time. But all in all, there weren't thoughts of just quitting and going home. More along the lines of the usual "when is this going to be over". And it's kind of cruel, really that I start getting excited about it with only a few minutes to go -- that's when I start feeling like I can conquer the world (or at least a quarter mile).

Speaking of a quarter mile, I'm not sure how far I'm actually running/walking. I don't know the length of the track I go to, so it's all based on time. I was thinking during my run tonight that when we go to Oak Island, it will probably become obvious as to how painfully slow I really am. I don't even imagine I'm fast, but I'm sure my pace is pretty slow. But, hey, increasing my time is a whole 'nother blog.

I did have some left side calf tightness, and only a tiny bit of shoulder pain. I do think I would have fared much better had I left the music at home, and focused on running. Music will probably come more in handy once I've mastered the 5k and want to keep my mind off of actually running the 5k. (This whole running thing is really sick and twisted if you think about it).

I got some new shoes too! My lovely and dear husband surprised me today by bringing home a new pair of running shoes. Now, I know some die hard runners will balk because I didn't go and get fitted, or at least try them on for myself. But I love them, they fit wonderfully, and they were very comfortable. AND, as I was opening the box, I paused ever-so-slightly to think really hard "I hope they've got pink, I hope they've got pink". And I was very very pleased to see two very clean, very pretty bright white Nike's with an orange swoosh, outlined in -- you guessed it -- pink! I love them.

There are pictures of them to come too, along with the afore promised knitted hat photo. (Which I have worn, ridiculously silly-looking or not).

And I have to say, I believe I like to run.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Knitting Meshing with Running

It had to happen. My knitting and running worlds collided. I needed a nice toboggan to go running in, so I made one. I have no idea if it'll even be warm, but it's kinda cute. I even made my own simple logo and embroidered it on the front. I hope I look ridiculously silly. It's for my own motivation, and having a special hat makes me feel motivated.

My next knitting/running project will be a pair of gloves.

Pictures coming soon.

Week 1, Day 3

Week 1, Day 3
Friday, February 20, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Lack of sleep - both kids were up sick most of the night. I'm going to try to work in a nap today.
2) Unhealthy diet choices -- I'm working on my diet, but it's going to take time too. I've been drinking mostly water. I did have a coke yesterday, because my mom brought one for me on our trip to the mtns. I also had 2 beers last night, but it was a one time outing with my step mom and step sister. I had cake for breakfast. So, as you can see, I need some work.
3) Cold - I think today will be the coldest day I've run so far. It's supposed to be 39 and feel like 33.

Today's Motivation:
Easing the guilt of not taking care of my body by seeing if I can do it one more time.
Again, seeing if it's any easier than it was last time.

After the Run:
Today was AWESOME! At first I was thinking it was as if my legs had never done this before. They were SO tired. But after I got warmed up, I was great. I can say that I easily had controlled breathing the entire time I was jogging. The third segment I got a little faster than my good pace, and I started breathing a little hard, but I corrected that easily. Otherwise, I breathed through my nose the WHOLE FREAKIN' TIME!!!!!! GO ME!!!!!

I can't even describe in words how GREAT I feel about that. It's amazing to go from huffing and puffing and then two days later be completely under control. And it wasn't as cold as expected. No colder than the other days.

So, I'm very very pleased with my progress so far. It is definately more encouraging that I imagined. I even found myself thinking I could go farther toward the end of one running segment toward the end of the run. I even started to keep going before I realized I was out of time.

I'm a little nervous about taking 2 whole days off, so I'm hoping I can make some time tomorrow to go run. I think that will be better than taking 2 days off. I might consult with someone about that though.

One week down, 8 to go!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some funny pictures of my "gear"

This is my wall chart of the daily exercises -- I stapled it to the wall by my bed
This is page 2 of the chart

The first day I used my dh watch to keep time, but I discovered these neat hello kitty watches we got from mcdonald's have a timer. So I cut the band off, and this is what I used tonight. Very effecient. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned this yet -- I'm cheap. BTW the timer only goes one minute, so once I get past anything more than 1.5 or 2 minutes, I'm going to have to upgrade. Hmph.
This is one of my notecards. Rudimentary, yes. Effective, Yes! Each day has the block from the chart cut and pasted. You can never have too many progress tracking tools.

It's like I told my mom -- running is the only thing that doesn't take any real investment -- only determination and dedication. Pretty much all you need is a good pair of shoes. Well, mine probably aren't good -- I'm not even sure they're running shoes. They're old, but they're pretty darn comfortable. My older bro offered me a $25 discount to Fleet Feet. I just might take him up on that if I can save up the other $75. (That's about as likely as me actually running 3 miles).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 1, Day 2

Week 1, Day 2
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Rain, and cold

Today's motivation:
Seeing if it's any easier than the first time
Knowing that if I can get through this in the rain, next time should be easier

After the Walk/Run
I DID IT! That's probably going to be my response after every single session from here to the end.

I went to a park up the road this time, because I felt more comfortable being close to my car. That way I could get in it and get home if I needed to. The other night, even though I was still in my neighborhood, I felt so isolated, because I didn't have any way to get home quickly if I needed to.

So, I went to the park. It's a small oval track. I don't know the distance. It's not paved -- it's kind of like itsy bitsy gravel. It was wet tonight, but only one tiny puddle.

It was not raining while I was there (thank goodness!) it was lightly misting which was actually nice.

I can't say if it was any easier. I still had to make myself continue, but I came to the last segment, and I thought "I can't believe I'm almost done!" As I said in an earlier post, I have a fused backbone and herrington rods. My back doesn't hurt me when I run, but my shoulder always has. Ever since my surgery, if I do any type of jarring exercise, my right shoulder will hurt in the same spot. My theory is that it is a pinched nerve. It hurt quite badly Monday night, and I actually did some walking with my arm above my head to relieve the pain. Tonight it hurt for about 6 minutes into the run, and then went away completely. YAY!

My legs have not been overly sore, but adequately sore. They didn't give me much problem during the run (and I mean run/walk, but you get it), but they were incredibly weak starting out. The did numb up for me quite nicely though.

You know, the last time I went through my running phase (probably last summer) -- I started the "mantra" technique, and it helped me run farther than I thought I could. Of course, at that time there was no plan, and I was going with a 3 year old and a baby (and the dh of course).

I am using the mantra technique again. I usually use something like "for my heart, for my girls" or "for my heart, for my God". Tonight, my mantra ended up being (out loud mind you) "I am a RUNNER, I am NOT a quitter". Glad there was no one around to hear me.

But I am so very pleased. I came home and drank a glass of red wine -- for my heart, of course.

I have to admit.... I was so excited about tonight's run I forgot completely about getting my girl to church for choir practice! Okay, maybe a little less obsession, hmmmmm?

But I can't believe I'm actually EXCITED to go running. I think God must be working in me through this, because I know I could never do this alone. Hence my first post title.... All things are possible.... through Christ who strenthens me. Thank you Jesus!

Looking forward to Week 1, Day 2

Well, tomorrow's weather forecast is for a high of 48 and precip at 90%. It looks like I have the option of getting up and running in 37 degree rain, or wait until after 9pm and run in 49 degree weather.

I don't know if I will have the motivation to go out after dark at night. But I'm not a morning person, and running in the rain doesn't sound particularly appealing either.

I'm not going to let this stop me though.

I've also found the yoga program on tv, and plan on recording that for future mornings.

"BEFORE" Pictures

No, I didn't get up and do yoga this morning. I couldn't find the program my step-sis told me about, so I didn't have anything to do specifically.

These are my "before" pictures. Lovely, I know. I'm not too terribly sore -- I expect that to happen tomorrow.

Monday, February 16, 2009

All things are possible...

Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I am creating this blog as a personal record of personal growth. I'm going to chronicle my paths as I try to grow as a person, and overcome my obstacles, which I will talk about more later. My hobby passion in life is knitting and crocheting. I say "hobby passion" because my real passion is my love of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. But for now, I'm going to talk about myself for a while. I've been crocheting for almost 6 years, and knitting for a little over one year. I own a consignment craft gallery where I sell my items, and create new items for customers' special needs. I'm 30 years old, and have just found out I have elevated cholesterol. Elevated, because the doc said it was satisfactory, but 2 points above the "high" normal is not satisfactory to me. It's genetic, as my mom has high cholesterol for no known reason too.

If you asked me two months ago, I would have told you I am happy with my body -- I don't think I'm fat, and I'm not worried about my health. I blamed my fatigue and general yuckiness to being the mom of two small girls. That certainly doesn't help. But after finding out about my cholesterol, it's just started in my mind a snowball of realizations that I'm not living the way I should. I'm becoming that fat, lazy mom who doesn't want to go out and play with the kids. My body is slowly breaking down and pretty soon I won't be able to get up and go, even if I want to.

SO. Here I am.

I have been fit before -- I used to do martial arts 5 - 6 times a week and was in pretty great shape (strength, if not aerobic). But that's been many (10) years ago.

I have asthma -- I have since I was a tiny tiny girl. I have herrington rods in my back, and my backbone was fused when I was 12 years old. This was the treatment for the very severe S-shaped curve of my spine due to scoliosis. I'm lucky my parents got this fixed, because I might not even be able to walk these days if I didn't have the surgery. My back doesn't give me much trouble. My asthma gives me much more trouble. But I have recently gotten on Advair, and I have seen such a remarkable improvement in my asthma, I feel I might be able to overcome this obstacle in exercise now.

My Goal: Run the Oak Island Lighthouse 5K in April 2009
(I found a race at that fit my timeline)
My Plan: The "Couch to 5K" plan I found at

Of course, being a crafty non-runner, I've created notecards -- one for each day of my plan -- 27 in all. I plan on using the cards to check off each day as I go. I think this will work nicely for motivation. I've also employed the use of accountability. I'm getting my dh and my brother to hold me accountable and make me feel horribly guilty if I don't stay on track.

So, to sum up, I am using the following things to help me reach my goal:

1) Goal setting, long term and short term
2) Accountability
3) Progress-tracking tools, such as note cards and this blog
4) Most importantly, prayer

I am also going to use my blog to track my progress with my knitting. I am doing some designing of my own, and am going to try to get some of my work published online. And I might even do some blogging on my spiritual journey along the way.

I don't expect even one person to read this except myself, but if anyone out there wants to write a word of encouragement, please do, and be kind.

I am going to incorporate pictures as well.

Week 1, Day 1

Week 1, Day 1
Monday, February 16, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Finding the perfect place to train -- our neighborhood is too hilly and I would either have to take the husband and kids with me, or go alone to a park. Going alone is not an appealing option. This challenge needs to be met and taken care of by the end of this week to establish routine which will provide comfort in the knowledge that I can use the same course to help track progress.
2) Headache! I don't know why but I have a terrible headache! Here at work I took Aleve, but usually Tylenol is the only thing that will knock out my headaches. Indeed, the Aleve provided a minimal amount of relief, but did not work. I will take Tylenol as soon as I get home, and wait until it kicks in to begin my training.

Today's motivation:
Getting started -- starting anything new is exciting. I think today will be good to get an idea of what my body and mind can do!

After the Walk/Run
Well, I did it! Mostly! I did all the segments except for the last running segment. My lungs were really tightening up by then, and I forgot my inhaler. I decided to go around the neighborhood, because when I got home from work, I drove the flat sections to see how long it is -- right at a mile. I did end up having to do some running up hill, but I made it!

I won't lie -- it was incredibly hard. I had to talk myself into continuing several times. But by the next to last running segment I did, I got a sort-of second wind, and I realized I was so numb, I might pull it off after all. By the time I stumbled up my ridiculously steep driveway, I thought I might just die. But after grabbing my inhaler and using it way more that is prescribed, and sipping some water my dh got me after I squeaked out "water, need water" -- I started to feel better.

Of course I had to get dinner on the table, so I'm panting and gasping and trying to make spaghetti all at the same time. And, of course, my body finally stopped trying to revolt, and I started feeling FANTASTIC!

Now, I'm facing two feelings: excitement to see if it's any easier next time, and absolute dread of having to do THAT again!!!

It's very late, and I've wasted the rest of the evening playing video games, so I don't know if I'll have the wear-with-all to get up early tomorrow morning to do yoga. No, wait. I AM going to get up early tomorrow to do yoga. There, that's better.

We'll see....

I took pre-5k-training pics of myself to post soon. Very pretty, very pretty indeed.