Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

Week 2, Day 1
Monday, February 23, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Getting out there again after having 2 days off. I didn't do anything active this weekend.
2) Still cold, and getting colder! I've been psyching myself up for cold runs all along due to the FORECAST, and it hasn't been that bad. But today seems pretty cold.

Today's Motivations:
I'm starting a new schedule with this week, so it's exciting to have a new short term goal
Seeing how the extra 30 seconds of running each segment affects my ability to control my breathing

Samantha finds out if she's having a boy or girl today! I can't wait to find out too!
Boo -- cord was in the way, we have to wait another month.

After the Run:
I learned something today. I'm not a good enough runner to listen to music while I run. I have to be able to hear my feet hitting the ground to time my breathing. So, I can't give a great report of how I did. I can say that with what I did, it felt much like doing Week 1, Day 2 over again. It wasn't like starting ALL over, but it was a little more difficult than last time. But all in all, there weren't thoughts of just quitting and going home. More along the lines of the usual "when is this going to be over". And it's kind of cruel, really that I start getting excited about it with only a few minutes to go -- that's when I start feeling like I can conquer the world (or at least a quarter mile).

Speaking of a quarter mile, I'm not sure how far I'm actually running/walking. I don't know the length of the track I go to, so it's all based on time. I was thinking during my run tonight that when we go to Oak Island, it will probably become obvious as to how painfully slow I really am. I don't even imagine I'm fast, but I'm sure my pace is pretty slow. But, hey, increasing my time is a whole 'nother blog.

I did have some left side calf tightness, and only a tiny bit of shoulder pain. I do think I would have fared much better had I left the music at home, and focused on running. Music will probably come more in handy once I've mastered the 5k and want to keep my mind off of actually running the 5k. (This whole running thing is really sick and twisted if you think about it).

I got some new shoes too! My lovely and dear husband surprised me today by bringing home a new pair of running shoes. Now, I know some die hard runners will balk because I didn't go and get fitted, or at least try them on for myself. But I love them, they fit wonderfully, and they were very comfortable. AND, as I was opening the box, I paused ever-so-slightly to think really hard "I hope they've got pink, I hope they've got pink". And I was very very pleased to see two very clean, very pretty bright white Nike's with an orange swoosh, outlined in -- you guessed it -- pink! I love them.

There are pictures of them to come too, along with the afore promised knitted hat photo. (Which I have worn, ridiculously silly-looking or not).

And I have to say, I believe I like to run.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I'm so proud of you! I'll be looking forward to your updates and pics! Look out Oak Island, here we come!
