Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 1, Day 3

Week 1, Day 3
Friday, February 20, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Lack of sleep - both kids were up sick most of the night. I'm going to try to work in a nap today.
2) Unhealthy diet choices -- I'm working on my diet, but it's going to take time too. I've been drinking mostly water. I did have a coke yesterday, because my mom brought one for me on our trip to the mtns. I also had 2 beers last night, but it was a one time outing with my step mom and step sister. I had cake for breakfast. So, as you can see, I need some work.
3) Cold - I think today will be the coldest day I've run so far. It's supposed to be 39 and feel like 33.

Today's Motivation:
Easing the guilt of not taking care of my body by seeing if I can do it one more time.
Again, seeing if it's any easier than it was last time.

After the Run:
Today was AWESOME! At first I was thinking it was as if my legs had never done this before. They were SO tired. But after I got warmed up, I was great. I can say that I easily had controlled breathing the entire time I was jogging. The third segment I got a little faster than my good pace, and I started breathing a little hard, but I corrected that easily. Otherwise, I breathed through my nose the WHOLE FREAKIN' TIME!!!!!! GO ME!!!!!

I can't even describe in words how GREAT I feel about that. It's amazing to go from huffing and puffing and then two days later be completely under control. And it wasn't as cold as expected. No colder than the other days.

So, I'm very very pleased with my progress so far. It is definately more encouraging that I imagined. I even found myself thinking I could go farther toward the end of one running segment toward the end of the run. I even started to keep going before I realized I was out of time.

I'm a little nervous about taking 2 whole days off, so I'm hoping I can make some time tomorrow to go run. I think that will be better than taking 2 days off. I might consult with someone about that though.

One week down, 8 to go!

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