Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 1, Day 1

Week 1, Day 1
Monday, February 16, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Finding the perfect place to train -- our neighborhood is too hilly and I would either have to take the husband and kids with me, or go alone to a park. Going alone is not an appealing option. This challenge needs to be met and taken care of by the end of this week to establish routine which will provide comfort in the knowledge that I can use the same course to help track progress.
2) Headache! I don't know why but I have a terrible headache! Here at work I took Aleve, but usually Tylenol is the only thing that will knock out my headaches. Indeed, the Aleve provided a minimal amount of relief, but did not work. I will take Tylenol as soon as I get home, and wait until it kicks in to begin my training.

Today's motivation:
Getting started -- starting anything new is exciting. I think today will be good to get an idea of what my body and mind can do!

After the Walk/Run
Well, I did it! Mostly! I did all the segments except for the last running segment. My lungs were really tightening up by then, and I forgot my inhaler. I decided to go around the neighborhood, because when I got home from work, I drove the flat sections to see how long it is -- right at a mile. I did end up having to do some running up hill, but I made it!

I won't lie -- it was incredibly hard. I had to talk myself into continuing several times. But by the next to last running segment I did, I got a sort-of second wind, and I realized I was so numb, I might pull it off after all. By the time I stumbled up my ridiculously steep driveway, I thought I might just die. But after grabbing my inhaler and using it way more that is prescribed, and sipping some water my dh got me after I squeaked out "water, need water" -- I started to feel better.

Of course I had to get dinner on the table, so I'm panting and gasping and trying to make spaghetti all at the same time. And, of course, my body finally stopped trying to revolt, and I started feeling FANTASTIC!

Now, I'm facing two feelings: excitement to see if it's any easier next time, and absolute dread of having to do THAT again!!!

It's very late, and I've wasted the rest of the evening playing video games, so I don't know if I'll have the wear-with-all to get up early tomorrow morning to do yoga. No, wait. I AM going to get up early tomorrow to do yoga. There, that's better.

We'll see....

I took pre-5k-training pics of myself to post soon. Very pretty, very pretty indeed.

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