Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week 2, Day 2

Hello Followers of Mine! :o) Yes, I always wanted to say that.

Week 2, Day 2

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 (AHEM -- Whoever wrote this can't do their math -- it's actually 21) minutes.

Today's Challenges:

Well, I think I've finally overcome the cold (although I don't love it), and the initial worries.

1) Left calf was on the verge of cramping last time, and I woke up with a cramp in it this morning. I guess a lot of stretching is in order before I go tonight.

2) I think I've picked up a bit of the girls' cold. I don't feel sick, but I woke up with a stuffy nose. I've taken Aleve Cold and Sinus and it seems to have helped. But I can't afford to get sick! I've got a limited amount of time here!

Today's Motivation

We have "booked" the beach house at Oak Island for the weekend of the 5k. So, that's very exciting! It gives me a reason to not give up.
(That's a pic of the OI Lighthouse --> Pretty!)

Honestly though, I haven't had thoughts of giving up. Not yet. It hasn't been so miserably horrible that I just didn't want to do it anymore. So, that in itself is encouraging. Of course, I haven't had to run more than 90 seconds at a time so far, which I'm guessing is about an eight of a mile. (Guessing) WOW, I'm doing great!

But, see I'm hoping that the way this plan works is that one day those running segments will just grow closer together and pretty soon I'll be running a mile and not even notice. Have I mentioned that I've NEVER run a mile? And I'm shooting for THREE!

After the Run
Tonight was not fun. When I started out, there were people running around me who take enormous strides. I, myself, feel like I'm doing a potty dance, and shuffling my feet. So, just out of curiousity tried to lengthen my stride for a few steps. My leg muscles went in all out mutiny. So my curiosity was satisfied.
Then I just couldn't seem to remember my pace. Considering I had an Aleve Cold and Sinus 12 hour this morning, and an Ativan around 2pm-ish, I think those things did not affect me positively.
I also did some Wii exercises with my legs last night, and that seemed to be the WRONG thing to do. My legs were so tired tonight! From now on, I'm doing arm exercises only on my nights off.

I just couldn't help thinking tonight that I'll never make 3 miles. But I've got to remember to just focus on one day at a time, and I'll get there.

In fact 3 miles is still incomprehensible for me now, so is one mile. So, I really CAN'T look forward to that goal. I can't even visualize it. All I can do is just hope I can get through the next workout.

But I did it tonight, just barely. I have been eating better, and drinking mostly water. That should pay off too.

I'm just hopeful that Friday is going to break down barriers, and I'm going to see some real improvement from 2 weeks of exercising. I'm going to get myself psyched up for Friday starting now, and by then I'll be ready to bust it OUT!

Oh, and it was a few degrees warmer today, which translated to "Oh my goodness I'm hot!". I had to take off my special hat a few times.


  1. Go girl go. Don't forget that some say only 1 out of every 5 runs really 'feels' good. Take those hard days as a reminder that what you're doing is important, and most things that are important are also difficult at times.



  2. E - It helps to know that ~Thanks~
