Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 1, Day 2

Week 1, Day 2
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk.Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Today's Challenges:
1) Rain, and cold

Today's motivation:
Seeing if it's any easier than the first time
Knowing that if I can get through this in the rain, next time should be easier

After the Walk/Run
I DID IT! That's probably going to be my response after every single session from here to the end.

I went to a park up the road this time, because I felt more comfortable being close to my car. That way I could get in it and get home if I needed to. The other night, even though I was still in my neighborhood, I felt so isolated, because I didn't have any way to get home quickly if I needed to.

So, I went to the park. It's a small oval track. I don't know the distance. It's not paved -- it's kind of like itsy bitsy gravel. It was wet tonight, but only one tiny puddle.

It was not raining while I was there (thank goodness!) it was lightly misting which was actually nice.

I can't say if it was any easier. I still had to make myself continue, but I came to the last segment, and I thought "I can't believe I'm almost done!" As I said in an earlier post, I have a fused backbone and herrington rods. My back doesn't hurt me when I run, but my shoulder always has. Ever since my surgery, if I do any type of jarring exercise, my right shoulder will hurt in the same spot. My theory is that it is a pinched nerve. It hurt quite badly Monday night, and I actually did some walking with my arm above my head to relieve the pain. Tonight it hurt for about 6 minutes into the run, and then went away completely. YAY!

My legs have not been overly sore, but adequately sore. They didn't give me much problem during the run (and I mean run/walk, but you get it), but they were incredibly weak starting out. The did numb up for me quite nicely though.

You know, the last time I went through my running phase (probably last summer) -- I started the "mantra" technique, and it helped me run farther than I thought I could. Of course, at that time there was no plan, and I was going with a 3 year old and a baby (and the dh of course).

I am using the mantra technique again. I usually use something like "for my heart, for my girls" or "for my heart, for my God". Tonight, my mantra ended up being (out loud mind you) "I am a RUNNER, I am NOT a quitter". Glad there was no one around to hear me.

But I am so very pleased. I came home and drank a glass of red wine -- for my heart, of course.

I have to admit.... I was so excited about tonight's run I forgot completely about getting my girl to church for choir practice! Okay, maybe a little less obsession, hmmmmm?

But I can't believe I'm actually EXCITED to go running. I think God must be working in me through this, because I know I could never do this alone. Hence my first post title.... All things are possible.... through Christ who strenthens me. Thank you Jesus!

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