Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some funny pictures of my "gear"

This is my wall chart of the daily exercises -- I stapled it to the wall by my bed
This is page 2 of the chart

The first day I used my dh watch to keep time, but I discovered these neat hello kitty watches we got from mcdonald's have a timer. So I cut the band off, and this is what I used tonight. Very effecient. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned this yet -- I'm cheap. BTW the timer only goes one minute, so once I get past anything more than 1.5 or 2 minutes, I'm going to have to upgrade. Hmph.
This is one of my notecards. Rudimentary, yes. Effective, Yes! Each day has the block from the chart cut and pasted. You can never have too many progress tracking tools.

It's like I told my mom -- running is the only thing that doesn't take any real investment -- only determination and dedication. Pretty much all you need is a good pair of shoes. Well, mine probably aren't good -- I'm not even sure they're running shoes. They're old, but they're pretty darn comfortable. My older bro offered me a $25 discount to Fleet Feet. I just might take him up on that if I can save up the other $75. (That's about as likely as me actually running 3 miles).

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