Friday, March 13, 2009

Fishy Sock - pictures

I've got two socks pictured below. The first sock you see is the one I've finished for Lorelai. This is a remake. I'm going to make another one the same as this for her (except the fishie will be facing the other way, so they can talk to each other). The second sock was my first attempt, and is modeled by Jordan. She wanted to be like sissy and wear a sock and have her picture made. I have to say, the sock looks better in pictures than it does in person, and it actually fits Jordan better than it did Lorelai. I may make Jordan another one to match. But the "waves" at the top didn't turn out very pretty. I think the wave pattern is meant to be used on a flat item that is bigger so you can appreciate the big waves (I even shorted the wave length to try to make it fit better).
I remade it the first time because I wasn't sure I loved the first one. Now I'm not sure I love the second one either, but Lorelai does, so that's all that matters.
Here they are:


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