Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Knitting News

I did not make the fishy socks. Not for entry in the contest anyway. I am making fishy socks for Lorelai out of different yarn though, and I'll put pictures up when I get one done.

I haven't heard back from knitty.com yet, which is actually encouraging, because they said if you don't hear it means you're in the queue. BUT I'm not getting too excited because it's only 10 days after the deadline, and the issue doesn't come out until June 1. I'm sure they have tons of entries to look through, and I didn't get mine in until the last minute. So I'm not going to hold my breath.

My carpal tunnel is acting up, and my left hand feels numb a lot. Erich diagnosed me, and said he was surprised I didn't get it before now. But I have had a trouble with that hand on and off for years. Before now, it's mostly been pain. The tingling has only happened once before a few years back.

I have a feeling my knitting might be put on hold for the summer while I tend to my garden. I also have another project underway, but I'm not ready to reveal it yet.

Samantha knows, and, oh great, I know how well she keeps secrets! ;o)

But when I know more about it, I'll share it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a good secret keeper sometimes...I'll show You...hehehe
