Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 3, Day 2

Week 3, Day 2

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

Jog 90 seconds

Walk 90 seconds

Jog 3 minutes

Walk 3 minutes

Again, I'm dispensing with the challenges and motivations, because today's post is after the fact. I'm slipping, I need to get back on my game.

Since the park is likely still muddy from the melting snow and slush, I again ran in the neighborhood. Which reminds me, I need to write a follow-up letter.

Dear Hills,

I kicked your ASS tonight. Huh? Get some!

Yours Truly,


I ate those hills like they were breakfast with extra breakfast.

I rocked it yesterday evening. Normally when I'm running, I'm calculating in my head which direction I need to go to avoid running up the hills. It's a complicated process. But yesterday I took the hills head on. For my warm-up walk, I walked all the way up our road, which is a very steep hill. On one particular turn-off in our neighborhood that dead-ends into some trees, I normally go only to a certain mailbox that begins the steep climb, but yesterday I went all the way to the end.

I did all my segments. I nearly died on the last jogging one, but it was uphill (small hill). And now that I'm over my bloated-ness I feel quite, and almost fit this morning. I feel better than I have in years. When I get up from a sitting or standing position, my legs don't cry out for mercy. They're actually quite accomodating now.

And as of Friday, it will be three weeks. And, as Sam says, three weeks makes a habit.

I meant to look in the storm drain yesterday to see if my inhaler was still there, but it was during that last push, and I was concentrating on just putting one foot in front of the other, so as I went by it just looked like a blur. Not because of my speed, mind you, because I could barely see straight.

Another good thing I noticed last night. Before I started all this, I would lie in bed some nights and my heart would just pound, and it would feel like it was shaking my whole body. Last night I could feel my heart beating, and it was this nice, steady, strong feeling as opposed to feeling like I was minutes away from cardiac arrest.

8 down, 19 to go. I AM a RUNNER.

P.S. I made a healthy dinner for myself last night. Black beans and rice with chow-chow. YUMMY. I took a picture of it because at the time it looked very beautiful to me.


  1. I suggest, because it will be so sunny and lovely tomorrow, that you high five (hand five, if you were Jacob) yourself while you are in mid-stride. It may be difficult to get a brilliant high five while trying to calculate rhythm, but with practice I'm sure that you can accomplish the most beautiful, running, self-high five ever exhibited. Disregard onlookers. I promise that giving yourself a high five is, in fact, WAY more satisfying. For I do it daily. How do you think I became such a confident, black woman?

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