Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 5, Day 1 again

Week 5, Day 1

Monday, March 23rd

Brisk 5 minute warmup walk followed by:

Jog 5 min
Walk 3 min
Jog 5 min
Walk 3 min
Jog 5 min

Today's Challenges:
It's ALL a challenge these days. My lungs are still not up to what they were pre-sickness. And I barely made it through last week. I see other runners on the track that just run forever and aren't the least bit out of breath.

Before the Run:
It's warm today, so the heat will be a factor. I am going to try to make it through this. Wednesday will go to an 8 minute run, and by Friday I'm supposed to be able to run 20 minutes straight. I have to say... I lack confidence in myself. My schedule got ruined, and I just don't think I'm going to make 5k by April 18. I might have to check into that walk/run plan for a 5k, seeing as I'm already one week behind, and don't have much hope for completing this week on schedule either. But at least I'm still out there trying, right?!

After the Run:
It's the next day. I did complete this "run". It was hard, and I was huffing and puffing. It's a good thing I'm wearing earphones these days, because I'd probably be horribly embarrassed if I could hear myself!
All I could think about is "how the heck am I going to run for more than 5 minutes, much less 20". I just think that's an unreasonable goal to go from 5 to 8 to 20 in one week.

I'm not going to stop trying, but I just think it may take much longer for me to reach the 5K than just the original 9 weeks.

Just to get an idea of how fast I could theoretically run a mile: I can run 2.5 laps in 5 minutes.
6 laps = 1 mile
1 lap = 2 min
6 laps = 12 min

So, I'm doing about a 12 minute mile.

I think that Wed will be a stretch with 8 minute runs. But after Wed, if I can do it, then I may make my goal to run AT LEAST one mile if I can't do the whole 20 minutes.

I've got four weeks before OI5K - If I can run at least one mile, I could run 1, walk 1, run 1. But let's see how the next four weeks go....


  1. Proud is not the word...beamingly proudant, that's what I am! Again, They are not concrete walls any longer, mere stucko now and before long, who knows? CARDBOARD I tell you!

    !!!!RUN, HOT GIRL, RUN!!!!

  2. Hey sis! I hear what you are saying about self-doubt...but this doesn't have to hold you back. Your lungs and body will tell you to stop, but that's because it's easier for everybody if you do...for today. But think about the future - when you are 10 years older and the girls are older too. If you can get through this "trial by fire" and start a pattern of exercise that works, how much better off will you be in the future?

    It's not easy, or EVERYONE would do it.

    Stick it out and do your best!


