Friday, March 13, 2009


Woe, woe is me. I can't believe I've gotten an infection in my lungs. I've gone SEVERAL years now without any kind of chest cold (that I can remember). I've had sinus infections, strep throat (for the first time in my life), and regular old colds. But each time I was fortunate to avoid it getting in my lungs, and triggering my asthma. And every time I thanked God, because I know for me and my asthma it could mean a trip to the e.r. But now, here I am exercising and taking my Advair faithfully, and it gets me.

Of course, I can still thank God, because without the running and Advair, I would probably be in the hospital by now.

If I weren't on a schedule, and only 4 weeks into this, I wouldn't worry so much. But I'm so afraid when I'm well again, I'll be back where I started.

I'm on day 2 of my antibiotic, so I am hoping that if not tonight (because I'm still pretty congested), then by tomorrow I should feel better. It's the prolonged coughing crap up that I'm worried about.

I'm a little perturbed at the whole situation, but there's no one to direct my perturbed-ness at, so I'm basically just sitting around crying because it's the only way to release my anger.

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